創辦於 2020 年的台灣設計師品牌 IANTOWN 伊安棠高端定製,定位在創造時尚尖端的定製家居產品,提供注重生活品味的家庭更高級的選擇。

Founded in 2020, Taiwanese designer label IANTOWN is positioned as a purveyor of bespoke home products at the forefront of the fashion trend, emphasizing offering tasteful families with more premium alternatives.

is perfection

“ 平衡即是完美 ”

注重人性需求與美感的平衡是 IANTOWN 伊安棠對於家居設計的核心觀點,過於繁複的豪華感或過於極簡的設計感其實都不符合人居住的需求,真正好的家居設計不會因為沙發上放了幾件衣服、餐桌上有還沒收的碗盤這些常規居住的痕跡就破壞了設計美感,極簡到像是住在樣品屋裡面,一點雜物都不能放在家具上,這麼拘束的設計絕對不是所謂的精緻生活。

Emphasizing a balance between people's needs and aesthetics is the core philosophy of IANTOWN towards home design. Overly complex luxury or minimalistic designs do not accommodate people's residential needs, and truly great home design will not allow everyday scenarios such as clothes strewn across the couch or dirty dishes on the dining table to ruin aesthetics. A design that is as minimalistic and awkward as a show house, where not even a single miscellaneous item is allowed on the furniture, is certainly not indicative of the so-called refined living.

True design originates from everyday life

“ 真設計來自人的生活 ”

IANTOWN 伊安棠秉持著設計即溝通的理念,要求設計師必須以大設計理念(以設計為突破點、綜合多種方法),而不是小設計的技巧(僅指傳統印象中的設計),根據物的設計、事的設計和人的設計的邏輯進行總體把握和細處著手。

IIANTOWN upholds the philosophy of design through communication, where designers are required to apply a macro design perspective (using design as the breakpoint complemented by myriads of approaches) rather than micro design techniques (referring only to design in the traditional sense), where the design logic of objects, events, and people are addressed from a macroscopic perspective. At the same time, meticulous attention is paid to execute the design details.

Visual communication, interior design, living aesthetics

Service design, social design, design thinking

True user-oriented thinking is centered on the user, forging a deeper bond with the clients through service

product philosophy

“ IANTOWN 伊安棠產品理念 ”


In addition to high-end cabinet designs, our products must pass through environmental and quality certifications. We also strive to uphold Taiwan's demand for consistent, high-quality products through rigorous quality assurance measures.

Dr. Ian Town

“ 唐聖瀚 博士 ”

唐聖瀚 博士
1964 年生於台北
1990 年創業迄今

Taiwan Responsible Person
Dr. Ian Town
1964 Born in Taipei
1990 Startup founded
Renowned designer
Visiting Professor, School of Journalism &
Communication, Peking University